
Showing posts from October, 2020

The Re-Education of the Relational Self: Siblings (Part 3)

Baby of the Family Apparently, I wore a lot of red as a child. Certainly all of these were Todd Tiahrt t-shirts because my dad was a big supporter of his.  My youngest sister, Rachel is one of the most outgoing, stubborn, affectionate, and pure people I know. She has never known a stranger and is well-known within her circles as always having either a sweet or sassy comment to accompany her hugs.  I think she may be an Enneagram 2 with a 3 wing. She's very passionate about her family and loves each member fiercely. I suspect she knows more about the family tree than I do. Her little quirks have made it into the family style of communication and she corrects us anytime we get it wrong. She dreams of being a policewoman and told me recently that she has to work on getting to 100 push-ups. Damn girl, leave some ambition for the rest of us . She has always been everyone else's biggest cheerleader, and she is undeterred when it comes to what she wants. Essentially, she is a gem. A f